TALKING EUROPE #9 – Discuss with me about EUrope: Player or pawn in great power politics? Where is the European Union heading?
President Macron’s position that Europe must not become „just America’s followers“ has raised alarms on both sides of the Atlantic bringing the debates about the strategic autonomy of the EU back into focus. Even if the „Brussels effect“ can be observed worldwide in certain economic and political areas, the lack of influence of the EU in the current international order remains visible. How can the EU’s strategic autonomy look like and what does that mean for EU-US relations? Can and does the EU want to play a similarly strong role in world politics in the future as the USA or China do today? Join us on Europe Day to discuss how the EU must position itself in a multipolar world order.
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Photos: Diskutier Mit Mir / AdobeStock & Gaël Gaborel – OrbisTerrae on Unsplash